
What is the price of the installation of professional security cameras? How will they quote me?

Estimates are managed in 3 stages:

1st Stage: We chat by phone with the client to find out what their security requirements and budget are, based on this we give an estimated and widespread value at the same time you contact Blue Star Digital.

2nd Stage: We send you our quotation by email with a more formal aspect and with technical details of possible brands and equipment models that could be used based on your security requirements.

3rd Stage: Finally, when there is already a real interest in opting for our proposal to install security cameras, we make a visit to the place to give the final estimate, but already in an exact and not estimated way, evaluating the number of cameras necessary security, the difficulty of the work and distances of the wiring.

What is the security camera system like? What components it is made of? How do security cameras work?

The reality is that there is no single security camera system, there are many variants and alternatives as far as security cameras go.
We evaluate each situation in particular and suggest the use of certain equipment and type of security cameras based on the customer’s need, their budget and our experience.

In general terms, the most typical security camera systems are composed of:

1º A monitoring center, the most usual is a DVR Stand Alone with a hard disk to record all video.

2º The security cameras themselves

3º The wiring, which transmits the images of the security cameras to the DVR, the most classic is the UTP cable or the 75 ohm ohms coax.

Then the central monitoring (DVR or NVR) is responsible for managing security cameras, record, play, split the screen into several images, send images to the Internet, etc.

Does the installation of security cameras have some maintenance and / or monthly cost?

We sell the installation service of finished and functioning security cameras (equipment, materials and labor), that is why it has no monthly maintenance cost, it is yours for life.

Regarding the maintenance of security cameras, although it is not required, it is advisable to clean the camera lenses and perform a review of the monitoring center (DVR or NVR) for peace of mind.

Do security cameras record? How many days can I record?

In general, professional security cameras do not record on their own (with the exception of some IP Cameras) the recording is done by the monitoring center.

If the client requires it by installing a hard disk inside the DVR or NVR, all the images taken by the surveillance cameras can and will be recorded.

The recording time is very variable, it depends on how many security cameras are recording at the same time, what quality is being recorded at, the size of the hard disk and the type of recording, if it is continuous (Recording 24hs), by schedules or by motion detection.

How do I handle my security cameras? Where can I monitor them from?

They can be viewed from the monitoring center itself, from any computer or from a phone or tablet with internet or local network access.

Today, our security cameras can be seen from anywhere in the world through internet with proprietary software of each brand, based on Web Service or CMS (Central Management Software).

The handling is extremely simple, everything is controlled with a mouse or with your finger if you use a Smartphone or Tablet. The environment is extremely user-friendly.